Explore private equity and other strategic options
By Josh Gladtke, MD/Partner

Good Hope Advisors blazed a front-row seat in private equity’s last 7-9 year investing
push into the contracting space (HVAC, plumbing, landscaping, roofing, paving). We
have worked on many deals that now dominate the space, as platforms and roll-up
strategies are becoming increasingly common.
While platforms provide one potential exit strategy, they may not align perfectly with
every contractor’s needs and goals.
You deserve more than a one-size-fits-all solution.
We believe in exploring all your strategic options:

Maximize Your Value

    • : We don’t just find buyers; we find the right buyers willing to


    • recognize the true worth of your business.


Exit on Your Terms:

    • We guide you through the entire M&A process, ensuring a smooth


    • and successful exit that aligns with your goals.


Explore Alternatives:

    • Perhaps a strategic partnership or recapitalization aligns better


    with your vision. We offer a full suite of services to achieve your desired outcome.

Interested in joining a platform or not, book a call with me today for a free
consultation, and valuation and explore all strategic options available. Together, let’s
unlock the full potential of your contracting business.